Circle Park Behavioral Health Services
Counseling, Addiction Services & Prevention
Circle Park Behavioral Health Services
601 Gregg Ave
Florence SC 29501-4316
Tel: 843 665-9349
Circle Park Behavioral Health Services provides a broad range of behavioral health services, with emphasis on educational programs and counseling related to alcohol, tobacco and other drug abuse, and on family therapy.
We believe that addiction is preventable and treatable. However, it is not a simple problem with a simple solution. It is a life threatening disease that affects people of all ages, races, economic levels, and educational backgrounds. At Circle Park we combine treatment, intervention, and prevention to deal not just with the symptoms of abuse and addiction, but also with their causes.
We also provide family therapy for those who need help coping with overwhelming personal problems and difficult family situations. Our counselors are trained to deal with couple’s issues, children’s behavioral problems, family crises, and a wide variety of other problems.
Circle Park’s Mission and Vision
The mission of Circle Park Behavioral Health Services is to reduce the impact of alcohol, tobacco, and other drug abuse on the citizens of Florence County by providing high-quality and cost-effective behavioral health services.
As a key component of Florence County's health care system, Circle Park Behavioral Health Services is dedicated to providing a broad range of behavioral health services, with emphasis on educational and professional counseling programs related to alcohol, tobacco, and other drug abuse.
These programs are based on the concept that addictions are preventable and treatable diseases. The programs deal not only with the symptoms of abuse and addiction, but also with their causes. Their overall effectiveness hinges on the successful integration and coordination of prevention, intervention, and treatment services.
Circle Park Behavioral Health Services adheres to three basic principles:
1. Activities performed by Circle Park Behavioral Health Services are rendered with the highest degree of professionalism that results in an unparalleled quality of services.
2. Circle Park Behavioral Health Services is the authority in Florence County dedicated to the delivery of comprehensive alcohol, tobacco, and other drug abuse services and as such, provides strong leadership to ensure the most effective use of available resources.
3. Circle Park Behavioral Health Services employees are its most valuable resource in providing community leadership and guidance and in the development and delivery of unparalleled quality of services
