Axis I Center of Barnwell
The mission of the Barnwell County Commission on Alcohol and Other Drug Abuse (Axis I Center of Barnwell) is to help the residents of Barnwell County and the community to become safer, healthier and more economically stable by reducing the negative effects of alcohol, tobacco, drugs of abuse and other high-risk behaviors.
Axis I Center of Barnwell
1644 Jackson St
Barnwell SC 29812-2156
Tel: 803 541-1245; 803 259-3333
Fax: 803 541-1247
Available Services
* Primary Prevention
* Public Information
* Education
* Alcohol, Tobacco and Other Drug Educational presentations for schools, churches, industries and civic organizations.
* Alcohol and Tobacco Merchant Education
* Parenting Education
* Conflict resolution Training
* Life Skills Education for Youth (K-12 grades)
* ATOD Free Alternatives Programming
* Lending Library
* Public Awareness Activities
Intervention Services
* Alcohol and Drug Safety Action Program (ADSAP)
* Adolescent Program
* Offender Based Intervention (OBI)
Outpatient Treatment Service
* Assessment and Referral
* Individual Counseling
* Crisis Intervention
* Alcohol and Drug Safety Action Program
* Alcohol/Drug Involuntary Commitment
* Women's Issues Treatment Services
Inpatient Treatment Services
Our office provides referrals to detoxification and other inpatient services available at other locations.
Medicaid Outreach
Outreach to Medicaid and potentially Medicaid eligible persons to assist them in accessing Medicaid services in Barnwell County.
